1. Design Tips

File Transformations

Dreamship allows users to send over file information in multiple ways. Learn what the different fields mean.

Dreamship allows users to send over file information in multiple ways over the API and CSV imports. Learn what the different fields mean.



By default, all artwork sent to Dreamship has a none value for resize. When no resize value is sent, Dreamship requires the artwork to be the exact pixel dimension size of the print area. If your artwork is not


Setting resize to fit will resize the artwork to fit inside of the print area. This makes sure that all of the artwork will be printed, but it could cause blank areas.


Setting resize to fill will fill the entire print area with artwork. This may cut off edges of the artwork.

Position (optional)

If a resize value is sent, then a user can also send over a position field. This moves the artwork to different edges of the print area. The following values are valid positions. The position will default to center_center.

  • top_left

  • top_center

  • top_right

  • center_left

  • center_center

  • center_right

  • bottom_left

  • bottom_center

  • bottom_right