1. Creating Orders

Popular errors when uploading CSV

CSV popular errors and how to fix

CSV importing feature of Dreamship can help you create bulk orders faster and simpler. 

In case you upload CSV file and get the failed notice, please check out the following possible reasons: 

1. Order contains duplicate reference ID

This error happens when the order being imported into the system has the same Reference ID (your internal ID) with an order that was created earlier.

By rejecting a duplicate order, the system will help you "save money" if you accidentally upload an order 2 times.

2. Unverified address

This error happens when the delivery address cannot be verified.

In this case, you can either change the delivery address or input "TRUE" in the "skip verification" column so the order can be processed.

3. Invalid variant ID/Invalid Print key area

This means that the variant ID or print area key of the product is wrong. 

Please double check it by going to our Catalog:

You can find product variant ID in the first column of Product cost page in the catalog: Screen Shot 2024-01-30 at 14.53.02

Print area key can be found in the "Template" column of catalog page: 

Screen Shot 2024-01-30 at 14.58.07

4. Artwork-related errors

Invalid Artwork: invalid dimensions => Your design file is not correct according to the Dreamship design template.

Invalid Artwork: invalid size => Your design file is larger than 100Mb

Invalid Artwork: corrupted => An error occurred while the system loads your design link.

Invalid Artwork: rgb_mode_error => Your design color mode is incorrect, you need to adjust the design according to mode RGB.