1. Creating Products

Product & product variant exports

Product Exports allow users/teams to export pertinent Product & Product Variant data.

How to export:

In order to export product/product variant, please go to Products -> All Products -> Export

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Use Case

  • Export Product Variant data to manually populate products in another system

    • i.e. exporting the products published to your client Chase Bank’s shop and using this data to manually populate products into the unique catalog in their rewards or gifting portal

  • Export Product Data of multiple Products to view in a spreadsheet format

Relevant Definitions:

  • Product Export - an export that breaks out the high level data points associated with a Product

  • Product Variant Export - an export that breaks out the detailed data points associated with each Product Variant of a specific product.

  • Item - Any Item that can be designed and sold via Dreamship. All Items can be found in the “Catalog” as well as the pertinent Item data associated with each (i.e. their starting costs, production times, where they can ship to, design templates, available colors & sizes, etc.).

  • Product - An Item that has been designed using the Designer and then Created & Published is referred to as a Product. Once Created & Published, all Products live within the “Products” tab of your account. A Product is directly associated to the specific artwork you uploaded as well as the the various data points (i.e. Name, Colors, Price) you set during the design process.

  • Product Variant - A specific version of a product (i.e size & color) that is bundled with related Product Variants to form one distinguishable Product. Product Variants have unique Product Variant ID’s and prices associated with them.